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Who is in charge for ground/EO data in the projcet?
In the context of WP1, data preparation involves generating, consolidating, and cataloging a comprehensive reference Earth Observation (EO) dataset covering the project’s four study zones. This reference dataset comprises: – […]
The applied models in the project
Models Land-surface and hydrological models (LSM/HMs) The reference dataset comprises eight LSM/HM models: Community Land Model (CLM), GeoFrame, mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM), Parflow-CLM, PCRaster Global Balance (PCR-GLOBWB), TETIS, Terrestrial Systems […]
How reference data into STAC Catalog
Description 4DHydro is a project funded by ESA which aims to provide a study of selected geospatial and climate data to improve the understanding, observation and monitoring of the availability […]